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Contact Me

500 Terry Francois Street, San Francisco, CA 94158  |  Tel: 123-456-7890




  1. 點樣知道小朋友適合參加邊個課程?


  2. 報讀課程嘅流程係點㗎?



  3. 成功報名後,幾時會收到Zoom堂嘅連結同登入資料?



  4. 可以單堂報名嗎?



  5. 而家報名出席家長簡介會會有咩優惠?



  6. 我幫小朋友報/續報中文班時,可以請假嗎?



  7. 如果課堂當日有特殊情況上唔到堂,有得退款嗎?




   8. 可以用手機上Zoom堂嗎?



   9. 有特殊學習需要嘅小朋友會唔會影響到其他同學上堂?



   10. 可以錄低上堂内容,方便重溫嗎?




    11. 完成課程後,小朋友會得到任何證書嗎?



    12. 完成課程後,小朋友係咪適合報讀其他國際認可嘅繁體中文課程,例如GCSE?



Please be reminded that: 

Before Lesson

1. How do I know which course is suitable for my child? 


Our courses are mainly designed for children of different age groups, so you may help them enroll in classes based on their age. 


To be eligible for our courses, your child must have either received Chinese education for a year OR without formal education but communicated in Cantonese at home while staying overseas in the long term. 

If you have other concerns, please feel free to contact the Global Kids team. 

2. How do I help my child register for a course? 


You may first sign up for our briefing session, then fill in the registration form for the chosen course on our official website. Briefing sessions are held regularly, so you may pick a date at your convenience. If you are unavailable to attend the scheduled sessions, you may directly enroll your child in our courses. 


Upon successful registration, our Team would contact you via whatsapp or email, confirming the upcoming course arrangements. 

3. Upon successful registration, when would we receive the Zoom link and login details for the course? 


Our Team would contact you via whatsapp one day before our first lesson commences, informing you of the above details as well as confirming the course schedule. 


4. Is it possible to register for a single lesson? 


Unfortunately no, our course is designed to comprise 4 lessons every month, so you are required to register by settling monthly payment. 


5. What are the current discounts for attending the briefing session? 


If your child is a new-comer, and you register for the course within 24 hours after the briefing session, your child would be offered a free trial lesson (i.e. the first lesson). In addition, discounts apply if your child signs up for the course along with 1 or 2 more friends. For further details, please refer to our official website. 

6. Could my child apply for leave when I help my child register for a Cantonese course? 


Yes, but your child must register for and attend at least 3 lessons every month, so that you would be prioritised to renew your registration in the same time slot, with the same teacher. 


Since it is a real-time lesson, we would not arrange any make-up lesson for your child’s absence. 

7. Could I claim a refund if my child could not attend the scheduled lesson under special circumstances? 


Unless the situation involves force majeure (i.e. unforeseeable and uncontrollable catastrophes, for instance natural disaster and strike), or your child is physically unwell and can provide relevant proof (for instance, written medical certificate), absence due to personal reasons cannot be refunded. For those who are physically unwell, they would be required to submit a proof within 48 hours after the lesson. In the case of a successful refund, we would arrange a free lesson for your child in the next month. 


During Lesson


8. Could I use my phone to attend the lesson on Zoom?

Yes, but we suggest you use a desktop computer or laptop during Zoom lessons. You should also make sure that your device is sufficiently charged, and there is a stable network wherever you are. 

9. Would SEN children affect the learning progress of other classmates? 

Our team consists of experienced teachers, and we would assign a teaching assistant to maintain discipline in class, so as to ensure teaching quality. If you have other concerns, you may consider enrolling your child in 1-on-1 courses. 

10. Could we record the lesson for easy revision? 


In order to protect the privacy and portrait rights of our Team and your children, audio and video recording are strictly prohibited during lessons. If you have any question in class, please feel free to raise it to our customer service representative. 


After Lesson


11. Upon completion of the course, would my child receive any certificate? 


Yes, your child would receive an e-Cert issued by our Team, specifying the full name of your child, our course title and the learning hours completed. If you need a printed certificate, please contact our customer service representative for collection. Note that an additional charge would be incurred. 


12. Upon completion of the course, is my child eligible to register for other internationally recognized Chinese language (traditional) courses, for instance GCSE?

Regarding the bridging arrangement after our courses, please stay tuned to the updated information on our official website. 


Thank you for reading our terms and conditions. Once your registration is completed, you agree to accept the above clauses.

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