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Writer's picture港講廣團隊

GCSE Chinese Mock Exam 常見問題 (Oct 2024版)

Updated: Oct 15, 2024


問:我應如何報名 2025 年度 GCSE 中文模擬考試?



答:所有 10 歲或以上的考生都可以參加考試,無論其背景或經驗如何,亦不必是應屆考生。







問: 如港講廣在某城市成功開場,港講廣會否與已留位、即已預先報名之家長們聯絡?

答: 會,港講廣會聯絡各已留位之家長,收集各考生可行時間,以便最多考生能參與;而地點方面,我們會以就近地區可泊車之場地優先。留意: Manchester曼城及Online場已成團並定好日期、時間及地點,不需支付留位費£10/位而可直接報名。

問: 如港講廣在某城市成功開場,但屆時家長/考生不打算應考或因個人原因而未完成餘下報名並支付餘額,港講廣會不會退回留位費予家長/考生?

答: 不會。某城市成功開場後,家長/考生約有1週時間決定是否完成餘下報名並支付餘額。

問: 如港講廣在某城市未能成功開場,港講廣會不會退回留位費予家長/考生?

答: 會,若 11 月 16 日未能集齊人數於當地開場,家長可選擇原額退回或改往就近實體考場或 online 線上場。建議各家長盡快在你的心儀地區留位。


答:2025 年 1 月 10 日。我們建議提早報名以享受早鳥優惠。


問: 港講廣有沒有舉辦過GCSE mock exam?

答: 有,今次係第三輪mock exam,港講廣於2024年2-3月曾於大倫敦地區Sutton、曼城Trafford及Online線上舉辦,剛過去9月再次舉辦過Online場。以GCSE中文繁體及廣東話mock exam 來說,港講廣為其中一間最具經驗及考生人數多既教育機構。


答:考卷由港講廣現職 GCSE 中文班老師及現任或前任 GCSE/iGCSE 考官設計,確保題型和難度接近真實考試。


答:模擬考試包括聽力、說話、閱讀、寫四部分。所有題目均依照 Edexcel 的公開考試格式設計。

問: 港講廣會否用GCSE past paper 用作mock exam?

答: 不會。港講廣會為每次mock exam 設計專屬試卷,形式、用字及版面設計均參考Pearson Edexcel 真實考卷,以免考生曾見過/做過之餘,能真實反映考生能力。因重新設計,如過往曾參與我們mock exam之考生,或曾於其他中文學校/機構參與過,亦適合報名參與今次mock exam。

問:模擬考試的結構與實際 GCSE 考試有何相似之處?





答:我們將通過電子郵件通知您的成績,通常在所有考試後 2 至 4 週內。




答:線上考試將通過 Zoom 平台進行,我們會在考前一週寄送試卷,家長需要協助安排一個安靜的環境給考生。







問:其實本科考生會遇到那些困難? Mock Exam 可以幫到手嗎?

答: 不少Mock Exam考生反映,Mock Exam 喺最好既熱身賽,增加real exam時信心,同時及早發現自己弱點例如作文難下筆、執筆忘字等,詳情可瀏覽: 考生訪問;當然亦有考生不需要mock exam而更適合上中文班或使用practice paper,甚至只需做past paper,各家長可視乎自己子女能力決定



Welcome to the 2025 GCSE Chinese Mock Exam!

This exam is designed to fully prepare candidates for the real GCSE exam. You will experience the actual exam environment, familiarize yourself with the format, and assess your current level, helping you improve where needed.

About Enrollment

Q: How can I enroll for the 2025 GCSE Chinese Mock Exam?

A: You can enroll through our website:

Q: Who is eligible to take the exam?

A: The exam is open to anyone aged 10 or above, regardless of background. You do not need to be a current GCSE student to participate.

Q: What language and script are used in the exam?

A: The exam will be conducted in Cantonese and Traditional Chinese. If you need a Simplified Chinese version, please contact us in advance.

Q: Is the Mock Exam offered in Mandarin?

A: Currently, we do not offer a Mandarin version due to resource limitations. Check back later for updates.

Q: What if I can't attend on the scheduled date?

A: If you are unable to attend after payment, you can switch to the online exam or inquire about alternative venues at least 14 days before the exam date (Paper 1, 3, 4) without extra charge, subject to venue availability. You may also transfer your spot to another candidate by paying a £20 administration fee at least 3 days before the exam. Please note that refunds are not available for any reason.

Q: If Global Kids successfully opens an exam venue in a certain city, will Global Kids contact the parents who have reserved spots in advance?

A: Yes, Global Kids will contact the parents who have reserved spots to collect the available times for each candidate, aiming to accommodate the maximum number of participants. For the venue, we will prioritize locations with parking nearby. Please note: The Manchester and Online mock exams have already been confirmed regarding the date, time, and location. There is no need to pay the reservation fee of £10 per spot; participants can directly register.

Q: If Global Kids successfully opens an exam venue in a certain city, but parents/candidates decide not to take the exam or fail to complete the remaining registration and payment for personal reasons, will Global Kids refund the reservation fee?

A: No. After a venue is successfully opened in a city, parents/candidates will have about one week to decide whether to complete the remaining registration and payment.

Q: If Global Kids is unable to open an exam venue in a certain city, will Global Kids refund the reservation fee to the parents/candidates?

A: If by November 16 we still cannot gather enough participants to open a venue in your area, parents can choose to receive a full refund or switch to a nearby in-person venue or the online exam. We encourage parents to reserve for their preferred location as soon as possible.

Q: When is the enrollment deadline?

A: The deadline is January 10, 2025. We encourage early enrollment to take advantage of our discounts.

About the Exam

Q: Has Global Kids ever held a GCSE mock exam?

A: Yes, this is the third round of mock exams. Global Kids previously organized mock exams in Sutton, Greater London, Manchester Trafford, and online from February to March 2024. Another online session was recently held in September. As for the GCSE Traditional Chinese and Cantonese mock exams, Global Kids is one of the most experienced education institutions with a large number of candidates.

Q: Who designs the exam papers?

A: Our papers are designed by current GCSE Chinese teachers and current or former GCSE/iGCSE examiners, ensuring a professional and real exam experience.

Q: What does the Mock Exam include?

A: The mock exam covers listening, speaking, reading, and writing. All papers follow the Edexcel exam format but feature different content.

Q: Will Global Kids use GCSE past papers for the mock exams?

A: No. Global Kids designs exclusive papers for each mock exam, with the format, language, and layout all referencing the real Pearson Edexcel exam papers. This ensures that candidates have not previously seen or completed the papers, allowing for a true reflection of their abilities. Since the papers are newly designed, candidates who have participated in our previous mock exams or mock exams held by other Chinese schools/institutions are also suitable to join this round of mock exams.

Q: How similar is the Mock Exam to the actual GCSE exam?

A: The structure is almost identical, allowing you to adapt to the real exam environment and format.

Q: Will the exam be graded? What grades will I receive?

A: Yes, the exam will be graded, and you will receive an overall score as well as individual scores for each paper.

Q: How will results be communicated?

A: Results will be sent via email, typically within 2 to 4 weeks after the exam.

Q: Can I take the exam online if there is no nearby venue?

A: Yes, an online option is available.

Q: How is the online exam conducted?

A: The online exam is conducted via Zoom. We will mail the exam papers one week before the exam date, and parents are asked to create a quiet environment for the candidate.

Q: Is there follow-up support after the exam?

A: Yes, we offer an online session, subject to the plan you have subscribed, where experienced teachers will provide feedback on common weaknesses. Additional pre-exam enrichment classes are also available.

Q: Is there any accommodation for neurodiverse / special needs students?

A: We are committed to accommodating neurodiverse / special needs students. Please contact us to discuss your specific requirements.

Q: Is there a grade appeal process?

A: No, grades cannot be appealed. However, detailed feedback will be provided.

Q: What challenges do candidates typically face? Can a Mock Exam help?

A: Many Mock Exam candidates have reported that the Mock Exam serves as the best warm-up, boosting confidence for the real exam and helping to identify weaknesses early on, such as difficulty in starting essays or forgetting characters when writing. For more details, you can visit: Candidate Interviews. Of course, some candidates may not need a Mock Exam and might benefit more from attending Chinese classes or using practice papers, or even just doing past papers. Parents can decide based on their child's abilities.

Q: Is parking available at the venue?

A: Parking availability depends on the venue. Please check the specific details for each location.



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