碰[pung3] !食[sik6]!
Thanks everyone for joining our Mahjong X Cantonese Happy Hour! Besides hearing "碰[pung3] " and "食[sik6]" at the event, there were also calls of "Bamboo" and "Cakes"—do you know what hands they were aiming for?
Special thanks again to Garden of Peach and Hong Kong Cultural Community for their great support!
多謝晒各位參與我哋嘅 Mahjong X Cantonese Happy Hour,現場除咗聽到「碰」同「食」,仲有 "Bamboo"、"Cakes",你哋又知唔知佢哋叫緊咩糊?
再再次感激 桃園樓同香港文化社大力支持!
